Bass Chorus Usage Notes


These notes will help you get the most out of Bass Chorus, the flanger/chorus plug-in for bass tracks. DirectX and VST versions are available.


When the Bass mode switch is on, the signal is divided into two parts - bass and treble, with the Cutoff dial setting the crossover frequency. This is done with a gentle filter algorithm, to preserve the phase profile. The effect is only applied to the treble portion, which is then mixed back with the bass for output. This lets you achieve a huge, wide sound while still preserving the focus and punch crucial for bass.

The Lo-Fi switch controls how much processing is done to preserve the purity of the treble. There are two ways to generate pitch shifting - the quick-and-dirty way by skipping or repeating samples (Lo-Fi), or the more careful way using interpolation or resampling. If you are processing a bass sound that does not have any high treble content, you can't tell the difference, so you are better off saving some CPU power for other tasks.

The Delay dial controls the amount of pre-delay. A minimum setting gives a true thru-zero flanger effect, higher values give a classic chorus sound.

The Depth dial sets the amount of movement in the effect, from static to dynamic, the Rate dial controls the speed of this movement.

The Feedback dial controls how much of the processed signal is fed back into the input, for further processing. The minimum can be quite subtle, higher values can get pretty wild. The Mix dial sets the balance between the dry unprocessed signal and the wet processed signal. This is typically set at the maximum, but lower values can be used to make the effect more subtle.

The Channel mode switch selects one of four modes of operation:


If you set both Delay and Width to zero, you will discover just how thru-zero the flanger is - zero delay, zero effect, and Feedback simply piles on the volume!

Have fun!


All content and software Copyright 2007 Trevor Magnusson
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